Post by Admin on Nov 29, 2021 3:30:26 GMT
I want to show you what I see on my end as the server operator.
For instance, I can display all the database tables in my SSH command line
For instance, I can display all the database tables in my SSH command line
admin@:/home/eqemu/server$ sudo bash
Akka's Linux Server Launcher
World: UP Zones: (30/30) UCS: UP Queryserv: UP
admin@:/home/eqemu/server$ cd /.
admin@:/$ sudo mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 19844
Server version: 10.3.31-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 Debian 10
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> USE hurbquest
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
MariaDB [hurbquest]> SHOW tables;
| Tables_in_hurbquest |
| aa_ability |
| aa_rank_effects |
| aa_rank_prereqs |
| aa_ranks |
| account |
| account_flags |
| account_ip |
| account_rewards |
| adventure_details |
| adventure_members |
| adventure_stats |
| adventure_template |
| adventure_template_entry |
| adventure_template_entry_flavor |
| alternate_currency |
| auras |
| banned_ips |
| base_data |
| blocked_spells |
| books |
| bug_reports |
| bugs |
| buyer |
| char_create_combinations |
| char_create_point_allocations |
| char_recipe_list |
| character_activities |
| character_alt_currency |
| character_alternate_abilities |
| character_auras |
| character_bandolier |
| character_bind |
| character_buffs |
| character_corpse_items |
| character_corpses |
| character_currency |
| character_data |
| character_disciplines |
| character_enabledtasks |
| character_exp_modifiers |
| character_expedition_lockouts |
| character_inspect_messages |
| character_instance_safereturns |
| character_item_recast |
| character_languages |
| character_leadership_abilities |
| character_material |
| character_memmed_spells |
| character_pet_buffs |
| character_pet_info |
| character_pet_inventory |
| character_potionbelt |
| character_skills |
| character_spells |
| character_task_timers |
| character_tasks |
| character_tribute |
| chatchannels |
| command_settings |
| completed_shared_task_activity_state |
| completed_shared_task_members |
| completed_shared_tasks |
| completed_tasks |
| content_flags |
| damageshieldtypes |
| data_buckets |
| db_str |
| db_version |
| discovered_items |
| doors |
| dynamic_zone_members |
| dynamic_zones |
| eqtime |
| eventlog |
| expedition_lockouts |
| expeditions |
| faction_base_data |
| faction_list |
| faction_list_mod |
| faction_values |
| fishing |
| forage |
| friends |
| global_loot |
| gm_ips |
| goallists |
| graveyard |
| grid |
| grid_entries |
| ground_spawns |
| group_id |
| group_leaders |
| guild_bank |
| guild_members |
| guild_ranks |
| guild_relations |
| guilds |
| hackers |
| horses |
| instance_list |
| instance_list_player |
| inventory |
| inventory_snapshots |
| inventory_versions |
| ip_exemptions |
| item_tick |
| items |
| keyring |
| launcher |
| launcher_zones |
| ldon_trap_entries |
| ldon_trap_templates |
| level_exp_mods |
| lfguild |
| login_accounts |
| login_api_tokens |
| login_server_admins |
| login_server_list_types |
| login_world_servers |
| logsys_categories |
| lootdrop |
| lootdrop_entries |
| loottable |
| loottable_entries |
| mail |
| merchantlist |
| merchantlist_temp |
| name_filter |
| npc_emotes |
| npc_faction |
| npc_faction_entries |
| npc_scale_global_base |
| npc_spells |
| npc_spells_effects |
| npc_spells_effects_entries |
| npc_spells_entries |
| npc_types |
| npc_types_tint |
| object |
| object_contents |
| perl_event_export_settings |
| petitions |
| pets |
| pets_beastlord_data |
| pets_equipmentset |
| pets_equipmentset_entries |
| player_titlesets |
| profanity_list |
| proximities |
| qs_merchant_transaction_record |
| qs_merchant_transaction_record_entries |
| qs_player_aa_rate_hourly |
| qs_player_delete_record |
| qs_player_delete_record_entries |
| qs_player_events |
| qs_player_handin_record |
| qs_player_handin_record_entries |
| qs_player_move_record |
| qs_player_move_record_entries |
| qs_player_npc_kill_record |
| qs_player_npc_kill_record_entries |
| qs_player_speech |
| qs_player_trade_record |
| qs_player_trade_record_entries |
| quest_globals |
| raid_details |
| raid_leaders |
| raid_members |
| reports |
| respawn_times |
| rule_sets |
| rule_values |
| saylink |
| server_scheduled_events |
| shared_task_activity_state |
| shared_task_dynamic_zones |
| shared_task_members |
| shared_tasks |
| sharedbank |
| skill_caps |
| spawn2 |
| spawn_condition_values |
| spawn_conditions |
| spawn_events |
| spawnentry |
| spawngroup |
| spell_buckets |
| spell_globals |
| spells_new |
| start_zones |
| starting_items |
| task_activities |
| tasks |
| tasksets |
| timers |
| titles |
| tool_game_objects |
| tool_gearup_armor_sets |
| trader |
| trader_audit |
| tradeskill_recipe |
| tradeskill_recipe_entries |
| traps |
| tribute_levels |
| tributes |
| variables |
| veteran_reward_templates |
| zone |
| zone_flags |
| zone_points |
210 rows in set (0.001 sec)